Bristle bots instructions
brush bot
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bristlebot materials
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how to make a bristlebot without a motor
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Instructions Instrucciones · Bot bowling. Set up a bunch of small objects for your Bot to knock over. Let your Bot loose. How many did it hit? · Super-size it. Bristlebots are a fun way to learn about basic engineering, motor, circuits, and principals of balance. Creating a bot is simple, just attach the parts toLearn how to make a bristlebot which is a simple robot created from a toothbrush and a vibrating motor. This makerspace project is great for K-6 students +. Do you think you could build a robot on the head of a toothbrush? Bristlebots are simple, tiny robots that buzz around like bugs. They are easy to build and fun how to make super cool toothbrush robots with these bristlebot instructions. to cover with the kids so they'll understand how the bristlebots work. Bristle Bot. 1. 2. 3. Here's what you need to build your own Bristle Bot! Cut off the toothbrush head. Test the battery and motor.
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