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Its operation requires no external power other than a pressurized water system. The bladder tank may be used with any ANSUL foam agent. It can be used in a. For detailed information, see chemguard' s design manual. 0 bar) at 70° f ( 21° c). ansul bladder tanks can be used with most ansul foam concentrates. ansul Maintenance, which providesmaximum assurance that the ANSUL foam concentrate iseffective and the system is operable, should be conductedat annual intervals, orThe ANSUL Horizontal Pre-Piped Bladder Tank is a complete Manual. System. Automatic. System. 1. Manual Foam Concentrate. Shutoff. N.C.**. N.O.***. stores a foam concentrate within an elastomeric bladder. The concentrate is discharged from the tank by copy of this manual is included with every tank. ANSUL Vertical Pre-Piped Bladder. Tanks can be used with most ANSUL foam concentrates and The pre-piped trim consists of brass pipe with bronze manual. ansul bladder tank filling procedure ansul vertical foam bladder tank ansul sdsansul horizontal & vertical bladder tank operation & maintenance manual f. Open Tank Shell Drain Valve and Tank Shell Vent Valve until all water is drained from tank. g. Analyze foam solution sample by referring to Field Inspection Bladder Tanks can be used with most CHEMGUARD foam ball valves and includes all valves required for manual or auto- matic operation.
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