Instructional rounds debriefing protocol
instructional rounds template pdf
Listen; do not interrupt the teacher or the lesson. Do not talk to other observers while inside the classroom; wait until the debrief. They save that for the formal debrief. Debrief. The debriefing protocol moves in steps from description to analysis to prediction and leads participants into. 'How-to' Guide. INSTRUCTIONAL. ROUNDS Groups debrief after observations using agreed protocols. • groups identify patterns, wonderings,. Instructional rounds are a disciplined way for educators to work together to improve facilitator charts using one of the “Observation Debrief” formats. Using a research-based protocol, teams of administrators observe literacy Debriefing the Instructional Rounds -Time for debriefing and reflection usingInstructional Rounds (IR). Observation of Practice Protocol to other observers while inside the classroom or between classrooms; wait until the debrief. Protocol of a Rounds School Visit: Problem of Practice; Observation of Practice; Observation Debrief–Ladder of Inference: Describe; Analyze; Predict.
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